light fixture 01

project type: lightning

size: 66 x 66 mm, 100 mm height excl. lamp bulb

year: 2021

The lamp takes the form of a simple cylinder, turned from a solid piece of untreated cork. An aluminum ring acts as a spacer between the cork and the lamp base to achieve a perfect fit regardless of the size of the bulb. The cord was wrapped in linen to match the color of the natural cork.

light fixture 01

project type: lightning

size: 66 x 66 mm, 100 mm height excl. lamp bulb

year: 2021

The lamp takes the form of a simple cylinder, turned from a solid piece of untreated cork. An aluminum ring acts as a spacer between the cork and the lamp base to achieve a perfect fit regardless of the size of the bulb. The cord was wrapped in linen to match the color of the natural cork.